Do you need help?

Are you not progressing like you would like to? At work or in other areas of life? Does it make you feel frustrated right now?

Investing in coaching can help you help yourself make sense of where to go next, and what to do next. It did for me, being coached helped me put things in perspective that I hadn't before and that opened up completely new ways to me. Ways that were always there, and I should have been able to come up with them, but I needed a catalyst to challenge me into looking at the same old things from new angles.

My approach is to separate between performance coaching and developmental coaching, where performance coaching is a way to become more successful/efficient/productive at what you are currently doing, and developmental coaching is about making changes to life that will get you to another role/weight/level of happiness.

I offer remote coaching sessions in both types of tracks. The sessions are conducted via Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, whichever suits you best. Being a native swedish speaker I am able to host sessions in either swedish or english, but that is as far as my language skills stretch.

Both types of sessions are 30 minutes each, and I charge 45 USD per session. But before accepting payments I think it is reasonable to meet a first time just to get a feel for whether the relationship can be a fruitful one. So feel free to book an available slot in my Calendly and we'll set up a first meeting.

Schedule introduction call

So how does it work?

Session are conducted via video chat, using one of the platforms mentioned above. Video on is optional of course, the important thing is that we can speak and listen to each other.

I would really like us to arrive at tangible results, which is why I leverage a Notion workspace where we can note down reflections from our conversations. And, most importantly, record commitments. Talking is good, and helpful in itself, but things need to happen also. Ideally each session ends with an action on your part, which we will follow up on next time we meet.

Types of coaching

Performance coaching

Are you looking to perform more in your current role? Let's have regular check-ins biweekly or monthly to go through what is top of mind for you at work or school. This will help you prioritize your activities and trim out distractions that keep you from achieving your targets.

45 USD / 30 minute session.

Schedule via Calendly

Developmental coaching

Do you want to make changes to your life, but you're not sure how to take the next step?

Maybe you have a long term goal that you need to work towards, or maybe you don't have a well defined goal, and would like to explore how to set one.

45 USD / 30 minute session.

Schedule via Calendly